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Vertical Screw Elevators

Vertical Screw Elevators

Martin Vertical Screw Elevators move material upward in a vertical path. They are called vertical lifts or vertical elevators. The Martin Vertical Screw Elevators satisfy many conveyor problems, have the advantage of being compact and can generally handle all materials.

Some advantages of Vertical Screw Elevators include the low profile intakes, they are less expensive than a Bucket Elevator, the split housings allow for easy cleaning, the access doors allow for clean-out, and standard screw and shafts can be used.

Benefits of Martin
Vertical Screw Elevators:

  • Offered in a Standard-Duty & a Heavy-Duty Superscrew Elevator option
  • Designed to convey (vertically) a wide range of materials in a relatively small space
  • Heavy-Duty construction increases elevator life, and reduces maintenance time

Common Applications

Vertical Screw Elevator

Vertical Screw Elevator Library


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